Year: 2023

It's hard to believe that the day has finally come for you to hang up your lab coat and retire after 13 years of dedicated work at i-MEET. Always being one of the first to come to work, your support for our research efforts has been invaluable. From ordering the reagents we needed to keep our exper...

Category: Uncategorized

PhD Days took place in i-MEET on February 16-17. Group leaders outlined the fields of the research in i-MEET, followed by short presentations from doctoral students about their works. A rare opportunity to bring all i-MEETers together and exchange ideas - everyone could not stop talking to each oth...

Category: Uncategorized

Europe–Colorado Engineering Mobility Program offers the students from Europe to come for one semester to do their final undergraduate project or master’s thesis project as part of their degree from a European university. The program started in the 2020-21 academic year and have welcomed 23 high-ach...

Category: Uncategorized

The CITYSOLAR project, which brings together the world's leading academic and industrial players, is working intensively on transparent photovoltaic technologies. You can find the latest updates in the newsletter!

Category: Uncategorized