Year: 2022

Several European research institutes, among them HIERN, and companies are sharing their thoughts how to build a European PV industry. Watch a movie full of information but also visions what is required to guarantee an independent and sustainable PV supply for Europe.

Category: Uncategorized

The weekly seminars of our Technical Faculty could be attended online free of charge and registration! Every Tuesday at 16:00. 9043?pwd=eDBtc3ZReHV2NHh pbkxjTlBlOWRwZz09 Meeting-ID 950 9710 9043  Kenncode: 997323 24.05.2022Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas...

Category: Uncategorized

Fahimeh has finished her doctoral study on Friday with very good grades. The PhD defence took place digitally via zoom that allowed a larger audience to be present. During her PhD Fahimeh worked on the modification of low dimensional nanostructured TiO2 for energy application. Nanostructured Ti...

Category: Uncategorized