Seminars at the Technical Faculty are also online

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The weekly seminars of our Technical Faculty could be attended online free of charge and registration! Every Tuesday at 16:00. 9043?pwd=eDBtc3ZReHV2NHh pbkxjTlBlOWRwZz09

Meeting-ID 950 9710 9043 

Kenncode: 997323

Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Fuchsluger, Augenklinik,
Universität Rostock

Protection of the corneal endothelium and biomaterial- based strategies for corneal layer replacement

Dr. Colin Ophus, National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM)
The Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Berkeley, USA

Using Data Science into Electron Microscopy to Measure Material Properties

Prof. Nathalie Bozzolo, Centre de Mise en Forme de Matériaux, CEMEF – MINES Paris Tech, France
Experimental assessment and numerical simulation of recrystallization phenomena in Nickel based superalloy forgings

Prof. Dr. Rutger Schlatmann, HZB – Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH, HTW – Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin / Renewable Energies
Pushing solar energy conversion beyond today ́s efficiency and cost and sustainability limits