
PhD Days took place in i-MEET on February 16-17. Group leaders outlined the fields of the research in i-MEET, followed by short presentations from doctoral students about their works. A rare opportunity to bring all i-MEETers together and exchange ideas - everyone could not stop talking to each oth...

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Europe–Colorado Engineering Mobility Program offers the students from Europe to come for one semester to do their final undergraduate project or master’s thesis project as part of their degree from a European university. The program started in the 2020-21 academic year and have welcomed 23 high-ach...

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The CITYSOLAR project, which brings together the world's leading academic and industrial players, is working intensively on transparent photovoltaic technologies. You can find the latest updates in the newsletter!

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Congratulations to Oleks, Oleksandra, Jens, and Christoph for publishing a Minireview on lead-free halide perovskites with ultimate photoluminescence (PL) quantum yields in Angewandte Chemie! Being a current “hot” topic, doping/alloying of halide lead-free perovskites is recognized as a pathway to ...

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