Congratulations to Chao to her successful PhD defence!
Chao passed her PhD examination with the great success and excellent grades! Her study focused on the development of advanced functional interface materials as required for the scalable production of highly efficient and stable organic solar cells with simple solution processing techniques. One major outcome of her thesis is the demonstration and application of a fully functional and robust tandem recombination layer that indeed inhibits solvent penetration and thus protects the bottom solar cells. A second major success was the clarification of the fundamental processes how SnO2-based nanoparticles do form interfaces to organic semiconductors. Having resolved that challenge allowed Chao to demonstrate a significant reduction of the currently existing interface challenges of OSCs with PEDOT:PSS, which now no longer of that great concern to the photovoltaic community. Thank you Chao for the fantastic work you have done over the years and looking forward to another exciting year with you as Postdoc working on transparent solar cells for the project CitySolar!